Our services

KMM Consulting has vast in-house know-how, access to a large network of experts and offers a broad range of services to ensure that your needs will always find a proper solution

Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Sell-side mandates for water companies
  • Buy-side mandates for water companies
  • Support with commercial due diligence
  • Support with technical due diligence
  • Support with post-merger integration

Financing & Funding

  • Capital raise mandates for start-up companies and water companies
  • Facilitating BOT financing
  • Facilitating project financing with access to local export financing schemes
  • Assistance with pitch documentation and presentation skills

Business Development

  • Assisting SMEs in accessing global markets for their products, technologies, and solutions
  • Facilitating water companies’ entry into new markets
  • Forming partnerships between local and international EPC firms for water treatment projects execution

Strategic Support

  • Growth Strategy
  • Operational Strategy
  • ESG Strategy
  • Executive/Expert search/recruitment services to help businesses find the best water talents
  • Expertise on emerging and conventional water technologies

Market Intelligence

  • Market Research
  • Market Planning
  • Voice of the Customer gathering
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Access to leading industry experts in all fields and major industry organizations

Talk with us

Are you ready to take your water business to the next level?